There is no other hormone in the body that stimulates muscle growth, libido and strength like testosterone. HYPERTEST® XTR is precision formulated to promote testosterone levels for an effective anabolic response. HYPERTEST® XTR is a comprehensive, testosterone boosting, complex designed to increase both kinds of testosterone, giving you the best results of any product today. Prepare yourself for the ultimate new you; more lean mass, libido, recovery and impressive strength gains.
The meticulously-engineered formula in HYPERTEST® XTR utilizes a four-tier system to maximize your results:
- First, HYPERTEST® XTR contains the anabolic minerals; Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B6, to support tissue repair, cellular growth, energy production, and the maintenance of a healthy immune system during a healthy night’s sleep.
- Second, the TOTAL-T Optimizer uses the FULL 3,120mg of D-Aspartic Acid to optimize your body’s own production of testosterone serum.
- Third, the FREE-T Activator allows your body to release free testosterone from binding proteins, enabling the anabolic hormones to stimulate muscle growth and libido.
- Lastly, HYPERTEST® XTR has a unique Cortisol Neutralizer that will help your body cope with stress and help promote muscle gains after strenuous exercise.
The synergistic combination of these four complexes are designed to turbo charge your testosterone production to impressive levels without the side effects of harmful steroids.
Unfortunately, as we age, our natural testosterone production declines. This is why reversing this decline is essential to keeping the benefits of testosterone or even increasing them. As we had mentioned earlier, there are two kinds of testosterone, total testosterone (also known as testosterone serum) and free testosterone (also known as bioavailable testosterone). HYPERTEST® XTR is designed to increase both varieties.
Total testosterone is created when the brain releases a hormone from the pituitary gland called luteinizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates the testes to produce total testosterone through the Pituitary Axis (Hey! That’s what our company is named after). So the first step in increasing testosterone is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more LH. This is why the next step in HYPERTEST® XTR is the TOTAL-T OPTIMIZER
The TOTAL-T OPTIMIZER contains 3,120 milligrams of pure D-Aspartic Acid (DAA). In a recent study, a group of healthy adult males were given 3,120mg of DAA for a period of 12 days and showed a 33% increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) over the placebo group. More importantly, in the same study DAA showed a raise in testosterone levels of 42%, with some experiencing a boost of over 50% in that same period. This study also indicated that testosterone levels were still elevated 3-days after the discontinuation of D-Aspartic Acid, which indicates that it builds up over time and then slowly decreases after supplementation is stopped.
What separates total from free testosterone is total testosterone is bound by carrier protein called ‘sex hormone binding globulin’ (SHBG). SHBG renders testosterone inactive so it can move throughout the body without being used before it is needed. Once total testosterone is freed from SHBG, it is known as free testosterone and is active to increase libido and most importantly, protein synthesis, the process of repairing and building muscle from amino acids and protein. Because total testosterone is rendered inactive (and often for too long) men are still without the benefits of increased testosterone. This hormone must be free to travel into the nucleus of cells to turn on the genes necessary for anabolism and muscle growth. The ingredients in the FREE-T Activator enable your body to free testosterone from these binding proteins, increasing the levels of free testosterone in your body. By freeing the testosterone from binding proteins, it is able to elicit anabolic effects, such as libido and support muscle growth, strength and recovery.
400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia: NOW AT ITS HIGHEST LEVEL YET
One of the most exciting components of HYPERTEST® XTR is 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia®, which is the most studied testosterone-increasing ingredient available today. 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia®has been seen in products the industry at doses of 50-to-100mg per serving/day, but never at maximum strength, even though 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia® showed remarkable results at 200mg per serving/day.
- In a 2005 placebo controlled study, volunteers took 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia® at 200mg per day for 8 weeks. The study showed improvements in Aging Male Syndrome and Sexual Health Inventory Questionnaire score. Toxicity was also measured in the study showing positive results.
- In a 2010 study, 75 patients took 200mg of 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia® daily for 3 months. Testosterone levels increased 46%. Additionally, sperm motility and volume improved, allowing for 14.7% increase in spontaneous pregnancies.
- In a 2011 study, 76 patients with late-onset hypogonadism took 200mg of 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia® daily for 4 weeks. The number of participants with a normal testosterone levels increased from 35.5% to 90.8%. The mean testosterone level increase was 46% in just 30-days.
- In a 2013 placebo study, 32 men with moderate stress took 200mg of 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia® daily for 4-weeks to measure the effect of 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia on stress hormones and psychological mood state. 400:1 Eurycoma Longifolia showed improved mood state, reduced cortisol exposure and a 37% increase in testosterone.
CORTISOL NEUTRALIZER for Testosterone Protection
The Cortisol Neutralizer helps your body deal with stress and promote muscle growth and libido. Stress is known for accelerating the highly undesirable hormone, cortisol, which can occur from the unfortunate adversities of life or even from intense exertion on the body from training. The Cortisol Neutralizer in HYPERTEST® XTR was aptly formulated with 300mg of Ashwagandha root per serving. In a 2012 study, 64 subjects were given 300mg of Ashwagandha for 60 days. The results were astonishing. After just 2 months of use, the participants had 253% less cortisol than those of the placebo group. In an additional 2010 study, it was concluded that men with higher levels of cortisol had lower levels of testosterone, linking the inverse relationship between cortisol and your testosterone. Because the same study showed the inverse to be true, the Cortisol Neutralizer in HYPERTEST® XTR was formulated to further support and promote your body’s testosterone, making it the most comprehensive testosterone supplement available today. It is time to take massive action and awaken (or reawaken) your primal male! Grab your supply of HYPERTEST® XTR right now because there is no better time than now to increase Lean Muscle Gains, Healthy Libido, More Strength in the gym and Recover faster from your workouts.
At the end of the day, your body is in need of repair and recovery. Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B6 is the most important supplement for the optimal repair period of the day – when we sleep. By providing your body with these necessary ingredients, you can help it stay on track for steady repair, rather than burning out from exhaustion. Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B6‘s connection to free testosterone production is helpful for building muscle and burning body-fat. Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B6 is also great for supporting your rest during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, the most restful kind of sleep, the peak time for repair and recovery.