GI Juice

Let’s face it, we probably don’t get the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day that we need. And even if you do, how many extra grams of sugar does that add onto your diet? As healthy as we know you are trying to be, there’s always room for improvement. Take your micronutrient health just as intently as you do your macronutrient.

1. What is GI JUICE?

GI Juice is 8 servings of fruits and greens and digestive enzymes.

2. When should I take GI JUICE?

You can take GI Juice at anytime of the day.

3. How does GI Juice taste?

Unlock most green formulary GI Juice tastes great.

4. Who can take GI JUICE?

GI Juice can be taken by everyone especially if you’re dieting.

5. What is the benefit of taking GI JUICE?

Due to the digestive enzymes GI Juice will help you utilize the macronutrients and micronutrients you are eating.